Has your team reached product/market fit or are you still looking for it?

You are at product/market fit when your problems start to be more about how to scale your operations instead of finding demand for your product.

Because the nature of your problems is different before and after product/market fit, your work will also look different:

  • Whether you are at product/market fit or not, you need to keep learning. But before product/market fit you need to learn 10x faster.
  • Whether you are at product/market fit or not, you need to be able to change. But before product/market fit your whole business model might change the next week.
  • Whether you are at product/market fit or not, you need to keep shipping. But before product/market fit you need to be willing to hack together features and keep doing things that don’t scale.

The concept of product/market fit is a tool to guide the discussions and thinking inside your team. It's a tool to prioritize your work and it's a tool to resolve ties. Teams that are figuring out if they can create value for users operate different from teams that are figuring out how to keep delivering that value.

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